It's a Mystery!

It was a dark and stormy night. I was sitting at my desk going through my many emails (having double checked that my surge protectors were adequately protecting) and noticing a strange trend in the theme of the requests sent to me. Most were about websites that simply could not be found. I let my fingers do the walking and strolled around the dry and fairly quiet lanes of the World Wide Web. The theme continued in online newspaper accounts, news blogs, and social blathering. Websites were, indeed, not being found....
"How odd," I thought aloud, around the stem of my pipe.
"Whatever are you on about, ol'boy?" asked my faithful companion, Phineas J. Penguin.
"Ahhhhh!" I responded, having entirely forgotten that he was in the room. "Ah, yes, Phin. I was just musing aloud as to the alarming trend I am seeing in regards to vanishing websites."
"Indeed," he encouraged, putting down the latest book by master storyteller Debi Lamb-Burrows; it was a recent release from the Penguin Suits publishers and I was a little surprised to see it was entitled Missing Again, A Tale Of Two Websites. Could it be that our favorite author was once again ahead of us on a mystery?
"Yes, it seems a great number of websites, having been used and enjoyed for many years, are suddenly impossible to find. It seems absurd, really. They always functioned before and it's not like the web changes!" I exclaimed.
Phineas snorted in a rather derisive way and I was taken aback. "Dear man," he went on to explain, seeing I wasn't intentionally joking, "the web is ever changing." He said it as a blunt fact. My face must have shown my surprise because he went on. "Really, haven't you noticed the plethora of new technology used to view websites? How could websites have been designed to function on devices and take advantage of features that did not even exist when they were created?"
I had begun to nod vigorously; things were beginning to make sense. If the web changed, then older sites that had functioned well would begin to be left behind, becoming harder to find and use.
"I have just been reading," he waved Mrs. Burrows' book in my direction, "that Flash sites are completely impossible to view on many mobile devices. Others sites are so image heavy that they take too long to load and are abandoned before even being seen. It is so sad that so many once impressive sites are no longer effective at presenting the business, product or person they should."
"But what can be done," I moaned.
"No need to fear," Phineas encouraged. "As I mentioned the web is an ever changing place and updating a website to function and be found on today's technology is as easy as calling the amazing team of our favorite author."
"No wonder she is always one step ahead of us on these mysteries!" I exclaimed.
"Indeed," he agreed. "When your business relies on a quick wit and forward thinking, you do tend to be a bit ahead. And if your prodigious talents lie elsewhere, you can always rely on experts. What are you doing?"
"Calling Mrs. Burrows to get help updating my mystery website! Um, you don't happen to know that number do you?"
"Of course," he smiled brilliantly in a sudden flash of lightning. "Penguin Suits Inc. can be reached at 830.816.8238 or you can visit their website at and even email them from there."